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Contemporary Minimalist Tree’s

Christmas Trees  Contemporary Golden Tree  Every Season of the year celebrations are being made to remember and share with family and friends.  As we pass on traditions to the next generation we share time honored customs that will live in our memories.    These small 5×7 inch Christmas Trees are part of that memory.  They were initially designed with the ideal in mind to produce a life-size Christmas Tree. The chosen design is completed before December 13 and is dismantled on January 15, of the next year.  I started this series back in Cleveland, Ohio, in December of 1974 and have continued to create these designs in Atlanta, Georgia where I now reside.  I have managed to complete 100 unique, creative works of art, to pay tribute to the Holiday Season.  These 5×7 inch paintings are mixed medium on paper or wood panels with metallic and acrylic paint.025  I have documented each tree, by photographing  each design and I have managed to complete 36 unique, creative works of art, to pay tribute to the Holiday Season.  Only a handful of people have seen these Life-Size Trees and only one person has seen  all of the Trees.  To this person I dedicate the entire works to her.