Fractal Art

Abstract-Fractal Collection in Four Seasons

  1. Abstract -Fractal Art in Four Season      This Collection of paintings are Mono-Prints that represent a phenomenon in nature, called fractals, that surround are every day lives.The primary design of these paintings is rendered with drops of paint, creating the patterns in a fractal manner.  To simple define a fractal, it can be said that it is a geometrical or physical structure having an irregular or fragmented shape that repeat itself at different scales.The representation of the different sizes in this specific Collection is very significant for the viewer and the Art.  As the gradation of the size of the paintings diminish, there is less space in between the shapes of the paintings, creating a more dense and solid pattern of the design.  It is almost like the structural elements are turning into itself, creating its own unique design.   The largest sizes have a more open and airy feeling to them.The diversity of this collection not only uses size, but a most important element, color.  As in nature, all of the seasons are represented by the specific hues found in the natural surroundings.

    To fully complete the palettes of each season and try to represent as many of the multitude of colors that make up the vastness in nature, each series not only represents a season, but extends it to, an early, middle and late palette.  In this the Artist is trying to include as many conceivable hues, that is very specific to each season.    All of the painting also, have a mirror image of the original one and are sold in sets to balance the work of Art.










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